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Browse Mass Times

Sacred Heart Church, Cunnamulla

1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th Weekends of the Month Sunday Service 9:00am
2nd Weekend of the Month Saturday Service 5:30pm

St Finbarr’s Church, Quilpie

Please contact the Charleville parish office for further details.

St Mary’s Church, Charleville

1st & 3rd (Sunday) Saturday 6:00pm
2nd Sunday (Oct-March) 8:00am
2nd Sunday (April-Sept) 9:00am
4th Sunday (Oct-March) 8:00am
4th Sunday (April-Sept) 9:00am
5th Sunday Ecumenical Service Time and place to be advised - Contact Parish (07) 4654 3394

All Saints’ Church, Roma

Sunday Masses – 8:30am every Sunday
Weekday Masses Tuesday – Friday 7:30am, Saturdays 9:00am
Sacrament of Penance – Confessions 9:30am – 10:30am Saturdays or upon request
Adoration and Benediction – Holy Hour with Benediction Fridays 6:00pm – 7:00pm

Confessions 9:30am-10:30am Saturdays or upon request

St Columba’s Church, Mitchell

3rd Saturday (Vigil) 6:00pm

St Mary’s Church, Wallumbilla

2nd Sunday 10:30am

St Patrick’s Church, St George

Mass times in St.George from 1st September to 18th October from Fr Bony are as follows:
1st Sept 9am
8th Sept 5.30pm
15th Sept 9am
22nd Sept 5.30pm
29th Sept 8.30am lay lead liturgy
6th Oct 9am
13th Oct 5.30pm

Monday - Friday 7:00am
1st & 3rd Weekend - Saturday @ 6:00pm
2nd, 4th & 5th Weekend - Sunday 8:30am (4th Sunday is Family Mass)

Holy Cross Church, Miles

1st Weekend of the Month Sunday Mass 8:00am
2nd Weekend of the Month Saturday Vigil 6:00pm
3rd Weekend of the Month Liturgy of the Word 8:00am
4th Weekend of the Month Sunday Mass 8:00am
5th Weekendof the Month Ecumenical Service shared between Anglican, Lutheran and Catholic Churches. Contact parish for details.

Immaculate Conception Church, Jandowae

1st Weekend of the Month Mass Sunday 7:00am
2nd Weekend of the Month Lay Led Liturgy with Communion Sunday 8:00am
3rd Weekend of the Month Mass Sunday 7:00am
4th Weekend of the Month Lay Led Liturgy with Communion Sunday 8:00am

Our Lady Help of Christians Church, Chinchilla

Day Service Type Time
1st & 3rd Sunday Mass Saturday Vigil 6:00pm
2nd & 4th Sunday Mass 9:00am
5th Sunday Liturgy of the Word 9:00am

St Joseph’s Church, Dalby

Day Mass/Service Type Time
Monday, Wednesday & Friday Mass 5:30pm
Tuesday & Thursday Mass 9:00am
Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00pm (June, July, August)
6:00pm (Rest of the year)
Sunday Mass 9:00am

Weekday Masses are subject to change and parishioners should visit the parish Facebook page or check the parish newsletter for each week's Mass times.

St Mary’s of the Angels’ Church, Tara

1st Weekend of the Month Mass Sunday 9:00am
3rd Weekend of the Month Mass Sunday 9:00am

Holy Cross Church, Killarney

4th Sunday Mass 8:30am

Our Lady of the Southern Cross Church, Inglewood

2nd Weekend of the Month Saturday 5:30pm
4th Weekend of the Month Sundy 9:00am

Sacred Heart Church, Texas

Sun Sept 1 – No Mass or Celebration Word/Communion
Sun Sept 8 Mass 5.30pm
Sat Sept 14 Celebration Word/communion 5.30pm
Sun Sept 22 Mass 5.30pm
Sun Sept 29 - No Mass or Celebration Word/Communion

** New Mass times will be advised when available in October

St Joseph’s Church, Stanthorpe

Day Mass/Service Type Time
Monday Lay Led Liturgy 8:00am
Tuesday Mass 8:00am
Wednesday-Friday Mass Times vary

see newsletter or call parish for time
Saturday Vigil Mass 6:30pm
Sunday Mass 8:30am

St Mary’s Church, Goondiwindi

Weekday Mass Tuesday to Friday 9:00am
1st Weekend of the Month Mass Saturday 5:30pm (May to August)
Saturday 6:00pm (Rest of the year)
2nd Weekend of the Month Mass Sunday 9:00am
3rd Weekend of the Month Mass Saturday 5:30pm (May to August)
Saturday 6:00pm (Rest of the year)
Sunday 9:00am (Family Mass)
4th Weekend of the Month Mass Sunday 9:00am
5th Weekend of the Month Mass Sunday 9:00am

St Mary’s Church, Wallangarra

2nd & 4th Sunday Mass Saturday Vigil 4:30pm

St Mary’s Church, Warwick

Day Mass/Service Type Time
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday Mass 9:00am
Wednesday Mass 7:00am
Saturday Mass 9:00am & 5:00pm (Winter Vigil - June/July/August). 6:00pm (Summer Vigil - rest of the year)
Sunday Mass 8:30am

St Patrick’s Church, Allora

Day Mass/Service Type Time
Tuesday Mass 9:30am
1st Sunday Mass 9:00am
2nd & 3rd Sunday Mass 5:30pm
4th & 5th Sunday Lay Led Liturgy Contact parish to confirm time

Sts James and John Church, Clifton

Day Mass/Service Type Time
Monday & Friday Mass 9:00am (Cold season) or 8:30am (Warm season)
Contact parish to confirm if you wish to attend.
1st Sunday Mass 7:30am
2nd, 3rd & 5th Sunday Mass Saturday Vigil 7:00pm
4th Sunday Mass 9:30am

St Mary MacKillop Parish, Highfields

Tuesday Mass 7:30am (College Secondary Campus Classroom)
Sunday Mass 8:00am

St Joseph’s Church, Helidon

Wednesday Mass 9:00am
Friday Mass & Rosary 8:15am
Sunday Mass 7:30am

St Matthew’s Church, Crows Nest

Thursday Mass 9:00am
Sunday Mass 8:00am

St Patrick’s Cathedral, Toowoomba

Day Mass/Service Type Time
Monday Mass 5:30pm
Tuesday Mass 9:00am
Wednesday - Friday Mass 7:00am
Thursday Adoration 7:30am-8:30am
Saturday Mass 7:00am & 6:00pm (Vigil)
Saturday Rosary 6:30am
Saturday Reconciliation 8:00am-9:00am
Sunday Mass 7:00am, 9:00am (live streamed) & 5:30pm

St Theresa’s Church, Toowoomba

Wednesday Mass 9:00am
Friday Mass 9:00am
Saturday Vigil Mass 6:00pm
Sunday Mass 9:30am

St Thomas More’s Church, Toowoomba

Day Mass/Service Type Time
Monday Mass 9:00am
Friday Mass 9:30am
Saturday Vigil Mass 6:00pm
Sunday Mass 8:30am

Holy Name Church

Wednesday & Thursday 8:00am
Friday 9:00am in school terms, 8:00am during school holidays
Saturday 8:00am & 6:00pm
Sunday 8:30am
(Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after Mass Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday)

Confession Times:
Saturday: 7:00am to 7:45am
First Saturday’s: 8:30am

First Saturday Devotions:
8:00am Mass followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Toowoomba

Day Mass/Service Type Time
Tues, Wed & Thurs Mass 10:00am
Saturday Vigil Mass 6:00pm
Saturday 1st Rite Reconciliation 4:45pm
Sunday Mass 9:30am & 5:30pm

Sacred Heart Church, Toowoomba

Day Mass/Service Type Time
Tuesday Mass 12:00pm
Tuesday Adoration 12:30pm-1:30pm
Wednesday Mass 12:00pm *please note, this time has changed temporarily
Friday Mass 12:00pm
Friday Adoration 12:30pm-6:00pm
1st Friday of the Month Adoration, followed by Mercy Hour 12:30pm-7:00pm, MH 7:00pm-8:00pm
Saturday Vigil Mass 6:00pm
Sunday Mass 9:00am & 5:00pm

St Anthony’s Church, Toowoomba

Wednesday & Friday Mass 9:15am
Saturday Vigil Mass 6:00pm, Reconciliation 5:15pm or by appointment
Sunday Mass 8:30am

St Anthony's live streams Friday's Mass to their Facebook page

St Francis de Sales’ Church, Millmerran

Day Mass/Service Type Time
1st Sunday Mass 9:30am
2nd, 4th & 5th Sunday Liturgy of the Word 8:30am
3rd Sunday Mass Saturday Vigil 6:00pm

St Monica’s Church, Oakey

Please contact the parish office for further details.

St Stephen’s Church, Pittsworth

1st Sunday Liturgy of the Word 8:30am
2nd Sunday Saturday Vigil 6:30pm
3rd Sunday Mass 8:30am
4th Sunday Mass 8:30am
5th Sunday Mass 8:30am

Church of the Assumption, Dulacca

2nd Sunday Mass 9:00am



Holy Family Church, Withcott

Sunday Mass 9:00am

Immaculate Conception Church, Surat

2nd Sunday 4:00pm

Immaculate Heart of Mary, Bollon


Holy Rosary Church, Jackson

1st Saturday (Vigil): 5:00pm

Mary Immaculate Church, Mt Tyson

Please contact the Pittsworth parish office for further details.

Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, Yangan

1st & 3rd Weekend Vigil Mass Saturday 6:00pm
2nd, 4th & 5th Weekend Lay Led Liturgy Saturday 6:00pm

Our Lady of the Way Church, Moonie

No regular Mass at this location. Please contact Dalby for enquiries.

Sacred Heart Church, Cambooya

2nd, 4th and 5th Sunday Mass 8:00am

Sacred Heart Church, Lyra

1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday Mass Saturday Vigil 4:30pm

St Brigid’s Church, Southbrook

Please contact the Pittsworth parish office for further details.

St Colman’s Church, Goombungee

Sunday Mass 10:00am

St Joseph’s Church, Greenmount

1st Sunday Mass Saturday Vigil 5:00pm
3rd Sunday Mass 8:00am

St Joseph’s Church, Wandoan

Day Service Type Time
1st & 2nd Sunday Liturgy of the Word 9:00am
3rd Sunday Mass 11:00am
4th Sunday Mass 6:00pm
5th Sunday Ecumenical Service Please contact parish for details

St Margaret Mary Church, Meandarra

3rd Weekend of the Month Mass Sunday 11:00am

St Mary’s Church, Taroom

Day Service Type Time
1st Sunday Mass 6:00pm
2nd, 4th & 5th Sunday Liturgy of the Word 8:00am
3rd Sunday Mass 8:00am

St Matthew’s Church, Leyburn

1st Weekend of the Month Saturday Lay Led Liturgy 5:00pm
2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th Weekend of the Month Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00pm

St Patrick’s Church, Augathella

2nd, 4th and 5th Weekend Saturday April - September @ 5:00pm, October-March @ 6:00pm

St Theresa’s Church, Yelarbon

Please contact the Warwick Parish office for further details.

St Therese’s Church, Dirranbandi

1st & 3rd Sunday of the Month 8:00am



Sacred Heart Church, Yuleba

1st Saturday (Vigil): 6:30pm

Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Daymar

1st Sunday 8:00am or 10:00am * Mass alternates with Weengallon, please contact Goondiwindi Parish to confirm Mass in this location.

Our Lady Queen Church, Weengallon

1st Sunday 8:00am or 10:00am * Mass alternates with Daymar, please contact Goondiwindi Parish to confirm Mass in this location.

St Joseph’s Church, Eulo

2nd Weekend of the Month Sunday Service 9:00am

Our Lady Help of Christians Church, Bell

1st Weekend of the Month Lay Led Litrugy with Communion Sunday 7:00am
2nd Weekend of the Month Mass Sunday 7:00am
3rd Weekend of the Month Lay Led Liturgy with Communion Sunday 7:00am
4th Weekend of the Month Mass Sunday 7:00am
5th Weekend of the Month Mass Sunday 7:00am

Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Windorah

Please contact the Charleville parish office for further details 4654 3394.

Sacred Heart Church, Bowenville

Regular Mass not available in this location.
See Easter/Christmas listing for possible seasonal services in this location.

Our Lady of Dolours Church, Greymare

1st Sunday Mass 10:00am

Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Gladfield

3rd Sunday Mass 10:00am
1st, 2nd, 4th & 5th Sunday Lay Led Liturgy 9:30am

Our Lady of Fatima Church, Karara

5th Sunday Mass 11:00am

Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Cecil Plains

1st Sunday Mass 7:30am

Mary Ever Immaculate Mother of God Church, Thargomindah

Regular Mass not available in this location.
See Easter/Christmas listing for possible seasonal services in this location.